Pass the Buck for Breast Cancer Survivors
Nominate your church, civic organization, or business to "PASS THE BUCK FOR BREAST CANCER SURVIVORS". Organize your event(s) where members commit to giving $1.
Event Suggestions:
During a church service after the regular offeratory period, ask congregants to donate $1. Revivals to announce your event in advance on the website and social media to encourage people to attend your church.
Members of your civic organization designate a day to reach out to as many friends as they can to donate $1.
Donations from your event attendees can be submitted through our Facebook link or the Breast Cancer Survivors' Luncheon page. Proceeds will be used to offset the expenses for the Annual Keeping the Faith Breast Cancer Survivors' Luncheon.
In exchange for organizng an event, Revivals agrees to offer its support to the church, organization, or company's health awareness efforts. A conference call or planning meeting will be held to obtain information about the needs and to brainstorm promotion ideas. In addition, the event information will be posted on this site and our social media.
Review the Sponsor Benefits section of the Breast Cancer Survivors' Luncheon page to help determine goals.